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Interview with Debbie Leighton

Mary Lou Michael, YCARE Steering Committee Member, interviewed Debbie Leighton, one of the co-authors of The Gatherings: Reimagining Indigenous-Settler Relationship. Ms. Leighton is an ancestor of John Cotton, the first minister of Boston's First Congregational Church. He proclaimed that land including Yarmouth was God's gift to the colonial settlers and members of the congregation. These beliefs began in Boston and spread. The interview informs YCARE's Archival Research into the indigenous history of this place we call Yarmouth.

Reimagining Indigenous-Settler Relationship. Ms. Leighton is an ancestor of John Cotton, the first minister of Boston's First Congregational Church. He proclaimed that land including Yarmouth was God's gift to the colonial settlers and members of the congregation. These beliefs began in Boston and spread. The interview will inform YCARE historical signage research.


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